Begin with the end in mind -Dr. Stephen R. Covey
Hi. I welcome you to this series where I will be documenting my journey learning one of my favourite programming languages i.e C++. Although I had studied C++ before in my classes 11 and 12 as a computer science student, I was not exposed to the world of creating projects, community contributions or any of it. We were just thought from the textbook and the lab sessions were done in TurboC++ 🤧.
As you can see the teaching pedagogy was outdated. It was only when I entered college that I realized tools such as VScode, Git and GitHub etc which make developer's work easy and efficient.
So, that is why this series will try to introduce beginners to efficient coding tools and the latest practices all the while learning the programming language C++.
I will be writing about basic to advanced C++ all the while building some cool projects to get hands-on learning. Topics including variables, data types, flow of control, pointers, and data structures will be written. I will be executing programs on each concept and everything related to this series will be shared in this GitHub Repo. Feel free to look into the repository and any contributions are welcome!
For my journey I will primarily use these textbooks and online resources :
Computer Science with C++ by Sumita Arora, 9th edition (although outdated, its very beginner friendly)
Object Oriented Programming with C++ by Reema Thareja, Revised first edition
Freecodecamp's Youtube Tutorials.
That is it for this article. I have kept a goal of 3 articles per week😎. I am so excited to share this journey with you and looking forward for your support. Let's Begin.!🗿